Controversial Politics

Controversial Politics

Great Britain has its own way in dealing with wealthy asylum seekers.People generally make jokes on bank lending to a poor man and very wealthy tycoon. If the poor man defaults, the ball is in the court of poor man on taking action, but if a wealthy man defaults, then the ball is is in the court of bank.In the blog I explain it in a satirical way, how banks and government lent money to these tycoons and how the UK give abode to them. The UK government benefits out of the looted money as it is added to the economy. When a politician gets power, he/she abuses the system, one law for the head of state, another for for common man. Example is US president Trump, who enjoyed the best treatment, when he had Covid-19. He did not do a lot and the country witnessed nearly 300000 death! While analysing, we will discover that politics is very bizarre!

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