How a world leader outlives covid?

How a world leader outlives covid?

A lot of world leaders have now contracted Covid-19 pandemic. The list includes, United Kingdom prime minister , Boris Johnson, Prince of Wales, Charles, EU Chief Negotiator Michele Barnier, Jair Bolsjair of Brazil, Monaco reigning monarch Prince Albert,  and Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernández . Boris Johnson contracted it in late March 2020, and he went through a grim life and death situation. He was about to be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit( ICU). American president Donald Trump revealed that he was Covid-19 positive through a twitter message on early morning 2nd October 2020.   Trump is a maverick who disregarded the pandemic, laughed it off and urged the Americans to treat it as the flu on many occasions. He made fun of journalists and others who wear face masks and mocked Biden, the Democratic Party presidential candidate in the debate on wearing the mask all the time. 

In May 2020 he was praising the ‘miracle’ drug hydroxy chloroquine and announced that he too was taking it regularly. Later it was proved that not only the antimalarial drug hydroxy chloroqune had no effect on the coronavirus, but also it was injurious to heart. Once in a press conference, his ignorance turned into stupidity, when he suggested the option of intravenously injecting bleach to contain Covid-19 , as \'bleach kills all viruses\'. It was reported later that the bleach manufacturers advertised in the media informing the uncanny Americans that bleach was unsafe and should not be taken.The speaker of the American House of Representative, Nancy Pelosi commented on Trump’s contracting Covid-19, saying that she was not surprised how Trump got the virus, as he was demonstrably not adhering to the precautions.   Since Trump became a victim of Covid-19, the whole world is eagerly waiting to get an up to date information of his condition. It has been reported that Trump has been taking Finasteride (Propecia ) for benign enlargement of prostate (BHP). This is an oestrogen like hormone which has got several side effects including oedema. 

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The other drugs he takes regularly include Tetracycline for rosacea, aspirin and rosuvastatin to lower cholesterol. In addition to the side effects of drugs, Trump’s age and high body mass index will not help him to recover fast. On the same day he sent that twitter message, Trump was moved from White House to Walter Reed Military Hospital Bethseda, Maryland. The exact date when the swab was taken and Trump reported positive are not on public domain. Although his wife Melania too had the infection, she was not taken to the hospital. In several medical bulletins, and his own video address, it has been revealed that he is doing well with fewer covid-19 related symptoms. However, the next 48 hours are thought to be crucial, as the virus can suddenly spurt and give rise to symptoms. Also this may lead to excessive production of inflammatory cytokines, which damage the tissue causing adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Mortality in COVID-19 patients has been linked to the presence of the so-called “cytokine storm” induced by the virus. On 4th October 2020  Dr.Sean Conley also reported that , Trump had infusion of 8 milligram of monoclonal antibody cocktail treatment. This is an experimental drug treatment which has not been approved for Covid-19 illness.The cocktail is thought to be reducing the viral load. It is likely that the experimental drug might have been given as asked by Trump. No sensible board registered doctor should initiate an experimental drug, as untoward effect can attract litigation. Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies that are made by identical immune cells which are all clones belonging to a unique parent cell. This treatment is developed in Oxford University, and commercialised by the American pharmaceutical company called Regeneron. Doctors also started one week course of Remdesivir intravenous infusion. Remdesivir is developed to treat Hepatitis C and Ebola virus infection.

 Its effect on Covid-19 is disputed on various trials. The side effects of Remdesivir include respiratory failure, organ failure, low blood cell count, and low potassium. It has been also reported by Dr. Conley that Trump was also treated with dexamethasone, a steroid for  suppressing the immune system and inflammation. Steroids have many side effects including insomnia, and restlessness. In the medical briefing, Dr.Conley pointed out that he was asked by the president to project more upbeat bulletin.    When it comes to the management of celebrities, I feel, it is like ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’. A lot of doctors with a lot of ideas come into play. Most probably it will work in favour of the dignitaries. If something untoward happens, then the whole country will turn against the medical team. However I wish Trump and other Covid-19 sufferers in the US a speedy recovery! 

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This blog is about my experience as a doctor working in various countries in different clinical set up. This experience spans through 45 years, in which I acquired a lot of favourable contacts and unfavourable encounters. I shall dig deep into them and make it interesting to the readers. Unlike others in the profession, I worked as a community medical officer in a remote areas, prison medical officer, benefit service medical officer, in cardiac surgery in prestigious institutions and as a private doctor. I was managing my own businesses, and real estate in three continents. I hope the information I impart will be valuable to the like minded readers.

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